24/7 Legal Advice
Dunfermline 01383 730 466
Kirkcaldy 01592 640 680

Have you been charged with a sectarian offence or hate crime? Speak to our expert solicitors at the soonest opportunity for clear advice and a robust defence. From preparing the case right through to representing you in Court, MJS have the skills and expertise to help. Our lines are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our size and experience means we can react swiftly and effectively to help our clients, whatever their situation, throughout the whole of Scotland.

The Offensive Behaviour at Football & Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act 2012

The Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act 2012 criminalises threatening, or offensive behaviour at football matches or wherever a match is being broadcast in a public place, as well as in the travel to and from those places. You can be charged with two types of offence under the Act. The first is 'Offensive Behaviour', which is intended to deal with behaviour which could potentially cause public disorder. The second offence relates to 'threatening communications' which criminalises the making of serious threats, including threats which are may incite religious hatred. As well as verbal threats, this can include threats on the Internet or on paper.

A wide range of behaviour is criminalised by the Act, and penalties issued are based on the seriousness of the offence, ranging from minor fixed penalty sums (from £40) for minor offences to a custodial sentence for the more serious crimes. Don’t delay in calling a defence solicitor at the nearest opportunity if you have been charged with a sectarian offence. Our expert solicitors will work hard to provide you with a robust plea in mitigation and depending on the charges against you, can liaise with the Procurator Fiscal on your behalf to lessen or even diminish the charges. We have a great deal of experience in dealing with this type of offence across Scotland. Our legal firm is widely recognised as one of Scotland's leading criminal defence teams and will work hard to ensure you have the best possible outcome. Contact us today.

Controversy Surrounding the Anti-Sectarian Act

The Offensive Behaviour Act has faced fierce criticism with a strong view that it is badly drafted and wrongly criminalises fans and free speech, and has been the subject of debate and consultation in recent months. It remains to be seen if the Act will be repealed. 

Contact our Sectarian Offence Lawyers Kirkaldy, Alloa, Dunfermline, Dundee & Edinburgh

Our criminal solicitors can assist by discussing your options with you confidentially, and are ready to fight your corner. We provide a fully comprehensive legal service from liaising with the police through to representing you in court. Call our criminal defence lawyers for a free, initial consultation in Dunfermline on 01383 730 466, in Kirkcaldy on 01592 640 680, in Alloa on 01259 725 922 or make an online enquiry.


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Dunfermline 01383 730 466
Kirkcaldy 01592 640 680

What do MJS Criminal Defence Lawyers have to offer you?

  • Specialists in criminal defence law
  • Registered to give legal aid
  • 24 hour contact, 7 days a week
  • One point of contact throughout case
  • Solicitor advocates available
  • Free initial consultation
  • Client focussed service